I just re-read my last post. Depending on who you are, you might be judging me and dismissing me thinking I have an attitude problem. I'm even judging me thinking I have an attitude problem.
I'm taking a new class with Karen Kohlhaas. She encourages actors to embrace the unexpected chaos that may arise in even the worst of situations and use it as a gift. She even has a mantra, "Oh, good!" that she encourages everyone to adopt in their career and life in general. For example: There's a window in this audition room, "oh good" I'll look out it and use it for my monologue; A dog busted through the audition room door and bit me, "oh good" I'll use this fear and pain for my piece; My apartment burned down, "oh good" I was dreading carrying that futon down the steps someday in the unforeseen future.
When you boil it down, Karen believes in having a good attitude. By rolling with the punches in an optimistic way, we as actors can contribute to proactively affecting the seemingly uncontrollable audition room. And this, my friends, is the part that really resonates with me: accepting responsibility for your own fate.
Believe it or not, deep down I really truly have a good attitude. I think. I mean, I wouldn't still be here in this insane city, enduring endless crap if I didn't. Oooh oooh oooh, wait, I got one: I'm constantly being beaten down by ridiculous relentless bullshit, "oh good" more fuel for my comedy.
And may I point out, nay-sayers, the final line of my last post was also an "oh good": Alas, pain is good for my art.
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