My improv group had our first show on Saturday night. It was kinda good! In retrospect I'm embarrassed to admit that my expectations for the night were pretty damn low. C'mon, have you seen those shitty shows at Broadway Comedy Club? They are all uncomfortably awkward. I don't know if it's the table set-up, the extremely shallow
stage, or the drink minimum on top of ticket price for every show but that place has become my nightmare.
We rented out the Producer's Club, invited three other teams and magically we had mini-UCB. It was kind of amazing! It was our first show so I was wary to invite people, but the morning of the show I decided to spread the word to a select few warning them that we could possibly suck. Silly me. Friends, I'm sorry I doubted you! I honestly forgot that you are the most supportive people in the world. Not even kidding. My friends, improv-trained and non-improv trained especially, laughed their butts off, were super complimentary, and can't wait for our next show. Go figure! I forgot that there was a way to watch improv without being super critical!
Our set was fine. Of course, there are things I wish I had done differently but we made it through and hopefully it only gets better from here. It really sucks to feel like you're not that good at something you really want to be good at, but I'm fully aware that just doing it is the best way to learn. Ready, fan club? Here we go!
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