We got our sides a few days in advance this time so I had lots of time to obsess. I practically memorized them and then I changed the lines that I didn't love. Against everything I've ever been taught, I paraphrased to make things sound funnier coming out of my dirty mouth! It was amazing! And it worked! Hallelujah.
Another exercise we did in class was to collectively play casting director after each actor read. The whole class would "type" the actor and find good comparisons for roles to fit each individual. This is the kind of thing that one should be self-aware of for marketing purposes, and I've certainly tried to do it before. Apparently my self-assessment was off. The 4 actors I was compared to I never would have come up with on my own but I'm thrilled! I now need to stalk down: Maggie Wheeler, Vicki Lewis, Jane Kaczmarek, and Kirstie Alley! So fun! Especially Kirstie- LOVE HER! Some people, I know, are completely disenchanted with her repetitive personal girth issues of late, but not me. I loved Fat Actress, which she also wrote for, and I plan on watching her new A&E reality show. Maybe I could get the roles of Kirstie Alley, the longevity of Vicki Lewis and Jane Kaczmarek while staying skinny like Maggie Wheeler? That'd be nice.

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